Maintenance / Child Support
Above 18 Years
To what age are children entitled to be supported by their fathers in Israel where both parents are Moslem, and they will not serve in the Israeli army ?
Maintenance / Child Support •Above 18 YearsUntil the age of 18, in principle. What applies to children who do compulsory army service, and who can get up to a 1/3 of the maintenance they were entitled to as minors, from the age of 18-21, does not apply here to Moslems ,who are exempt from army service.
Until what age does a parent have to pay maintenance for a child in Israel?
Maintenance / Child Support •Above 18 YearsNormally until the age of 18, unless there is a court judgment or agreement that maintenance should be paid until the child completes their high school education, even if they are then over 18, or until they start compulsory military service. If, however, they are over 18 and between finishing high school and starting the army they work, then the parent does not have to pay maintenance. It is now accepted that a child serving in the army should get a third of their original maintenance.
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