Maintenance / Child Support
For a Married Wife
My wife and I signed a divorce agreement in which we both agreed to co-operate regarding the divorce and it was stated that if she did not turn up for the divorce ceremony at the rabbinical court then she would lose her maintenance. She did not appear – does she really lose her right to be supported by me even though we are still married, or am I still obliged to pay her maintenance?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeWhile nothing can be done to enforce a Jewish spouse’s consent to divorce ,even if written , as this would invalidate the ‘get’ which must be given and accepted out of free will, a wife’s obligation to forego her maintenance will still hold. Thus her husband will be free of any obligation to pay her maintenance.
Can a married Moslem woman who lived separately from her husband until they divorced because of his violent behaviour still get maintenance from him for this period ?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeYes, if she filed for her maintenance during their marriage, and can prove that she was justified in leaving the marital home, then at the end of the maintenance proceedings , it is possible that the court will award a lump sum for the period from when she filed the plea until they were divorced, taking into account anything awarded to her temporarily.
I am a Thai citizen. I married my Israeli husband, whom I met while he was visiting Thailand, in a civil ceremony abroad . I have a temporary resident visa in Israel. My husband has recently told me that he has met another woman and wants to leave me for her. What can I do, bearing in mind that during our marriage he used up all my savings?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeIn this situation the wife can file her husband for maintenance at the family court, and, if relevant, also for the division of marital property. Later on she can consider whether she wants to initiate proceedings to end their marriage.
Does a Jewish woman whose husband is non-Jewish have a legal obligation to be supported by him financially?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeNot an automatic one – it could depend on the relative financial positions of her and her husband!
If the husband is not Jewish, but is Moslem or Druze, or a member of one of the other recognized faiths in Israel with its own court system, then his maintenance obligation towards his wife will be governed by the personal law applying to him.
If, however, his personal law does not oblige him to support his wife, or he has no personal law (if, for example, he has no religion), then civil law will apply. Under the Family Law Amendment (Maintenance) Act of 1959,which only applies to married couples, a husband is in principle obliged to support his wife but her income from employment or other sources is taken into account.
Can a rabbinical court refuse to strike out a plea for a wife’s maintenance which she herself filed – and then asked to be struck out?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeNo! The rabbinical court cannot refuse to wife out a plea filed by a wife, herself, for her own maintenance at any stage in the proceedings, if she requests it, but especially when no defence has even been filed. Furthermore, even if the husband objects this is irrelevant – where the wife filed the plea and asks for it to be struck out. However, sometimes, despite all this, the rabbinical court does not rush to strike out a plea, or close the file, so that jurisdiction remains with it. The husband – the defendant – may object to the withdrawal of the plea/closure of the file, to try and preserve jurisdiction at the rabbinical court.
I am separated. I filed my husband for maintenance for myself and my children at the family court. Now I have heard that he is facing extradition proceedings. He is wanted abroad for criminal charges. Do I have much of a chance of getting an order to stop him leaving so that my case can be heard here ?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeUltimately, no because according to the Civil Procedure Rules an extradition order will take precedence over an order to prevent someone leaving Israel given within the framework of civil proceedings. If the husband has filed a defence to the maintenance plea already, then the wife could file for temporary maintenance, and even ask for an emergency decision, in the light of the extradition proceedings. Even if the husband is extradited, if even a temporary decision is made on maintenance, and the husband has not left property in Israel, from which maintenance can be paid, the wife can file his family for maintenance, based on the ruling.
Is a Jewish woman who refuses to divorce her Jewish husband, and yet will not agree to marital conciliation, still entitled to maintenance from him ?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeNot according to a judgment by Tel Aviv Family Court some years ago which refused a plea for maintenance from a separated wife who on the one hand refused to divorce her husband and on the other refused to reconcile the marriage by filing for ‘shlom bayit’ at the rabbinical court. The husband had left home a few years previously, allegedly because of the wife’s shouting.
I have to pay my wife maintenance linked to the cost of living. Usually this rises and so does the actual sum I pay her. But what happens if it goes down?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeIn theory the linkage of maintenance to the cost of living should work both ways ; when the cost of living index goes up, so should the absolute amount of maintenance paid and when it does down, so should the amount of maintenance paid.
Can a Jewish man use a civil divorce judgment by a foreign court to free him of supporting his Jewish wife who has filed for her maintenance in Israel?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeNo!
After a long dispute with my wife, I left home. We have no children. My wife filed me for maintenance and won, although the court took into account the fact that as a university lecturer she has a relatively high salary. My wife has recently stopped work and I know she plans to return to the States where she grew up. This week she filed me for an increase in her maintenance. Can her desire to live abroad influence her right to maintenance?
Maintenance / Child Support •For a Married WifeAn intention to live abroad permanently does not, in itself, deprive a wife of her right to maintenance. On the other hand it does not reduce her earning potential, and that is the main test the court uses to determine the level of maintenance it will set for a wife. The court will take into account the circumstances for the wife stopping work – whether she was fired, or handed in her notice- and whether she is entitled to unemployment benefit when it sets a sum.
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