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Child's Rights

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Is it possible to conduct D.N.A. testing to ascertain paternity if the child is a teenager and does he or she have any say in the matter ?

Paternity Child's Rights

Yes, in principle, but The Genetic Information Act of 2000 states that where a minor is 16 or over a sample of his/her genetic material can only be taken if he/she receives an explanation of the meaning and significance of the test , and both the minor and the person responsible for him/her consent in writing to his/her participation in the test. The person responsible for the minor can be his/her biological parent, a step-parent, an adopted parent or a guardian.

I am a student and have heard that I can get paid for donating sperm to a sperm bank. Is there any legal risk of being landed with a paternity suit and a maintenance claim from one of the women who may be impregnated with my sperm ?

Paternity Child's Rights
In principle under Israeli law anonymous sperm donors are free of any legal responsibility towards any child that may be born from the genetic material they donate. Unless this were so men would not be willing to donate sperm in Israel for fear of having paternity and maintenance suits filed at them.
However, it is possible from a strict legal point of view to sue a sperm bank donor , even if he is an “anonymous donor.” If a record is made of the donors for medical reasons (e.g. because of the future risk of genetic problems of any child that may be born with the aid of the donated sperm), then the child and/or his mother could file a legal action for the donor’s name to be revealed. Thus ,only if the sperm donor has a statutory defence or other legal defence
( e.g. an agreement authorized by court) would the sperm donor be protected in the face of such a claim. This issue has not yet been tested fully in Israeli courts.

What advantages are there to a minor in knowing his/her genetic identity ?

Paternity Child's Rights
In a decision made in a paternity case in January 2004 Tel Aviv Family Court divided a minor’s interest in or advantage from knowing his genetic identity into three groups – emotional /psychological; health/medical and legal/economic e.g. re: maintenance or inheritance rights.
Questions and Answers3 Results

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