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Home / Can a rabbinical court force a wife to accept a divorce if she and her husband have been separated for years and he has had live-in relationships with other women – but she demands ‘shlom bayit’ ?

Can a rabbinical court force a wife to accept a divorce if she and her husband have been separated for years and he has had live-in relationships with other women – but she demands ‘shlom bayit’ ?

By: דיאנה שאלתיאלPublished on: 23 June, 2022
Seemingly not –the Greater Rabbinical Court in a ruling several years ago rejected a husband’s claims that his wife be ordered to accept a ‘get’ because he would never live with her again – and she was only refusing divorce out of revenge. The couple had been living apart for many years and the husband was now in his second live-in relationship with another woman. Despite this the wife objected to his divorce pleas. She said she was willing to accept him back and wanted marital re-conciliation. It was held that even if the wife was acting out of revenge, she had done nothing during the time they lived together that gave her husband grounds for divorce – and a man who had committed adultery should not be rewarded for his negative behaviour and had no right to make his wife accept a ‘get’.

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