I am divorcing. My wife wants to go back to the U.K., where she was born and raised, with our baby so that she can get the support of her family. I don’t mind as long as I am sure I will get to see our child. How can I make sure that my rights to have a relationship with my child are upheld, without ruining her life ?
By: דיאנה שאלתיאל•Published on: 06 June, 2022By getting your wife’s co-operation and having an agreement professionally drafted and authorized in an Israeli court before mother and child relocate. The agreement can cover visitation overseas and in Israel, including actual visits in both countries, and also other means of contact, including phone, web-camera ‘chatting’ on the computer etc, which become more important as the child grows older. A “mirror order” can be obtained from a U.K.court, which will make the Israel court-authorised agreement recognized and enforceable there.