My ‘ex’ is extremely manipulative. The court ordered our home to be sold and the proceeds of the sale divided between us. He has suggested that he should ‘take care of things’ and sell it to avoid wasting money on getting the court to appoint a receiver to do this and having to pay fees for this. While there is certain logic in what he is saying, I am worried that he is trying to ‘pull a fast one on me’ by selling the home for a lowish figure on paper and then pocketing extra money agreed upon with the buyer for himself. In these circumstances is it advisable for the house to be sold through a receiver ?
By: דיאנה שאלתיאל•Published on: 10 May, 2022Yes. If the sale is in the hands of the receiver the process is supervised by the court which must approve the sale. This eliminates the possibility of any irregularities/underhand payments that might occur if a manipulative spouse were responsible for the sale.