My husband and I are both Jewish . I have filed him for child maintenance. He says that our child, who is five , is not his, but that of a Christian man with him I had a long affair with. He has threatened to expose all this by D.N.A. testing if I do not agree to reduce the amount claimed drastically. Would the court allow D.N.A. testing at this stage anyway ?
By: דיאנה שאלתיאל•Published on: 07 June, 2022One of the factors influencing the court in deciding whether to recommend D.N.A. testing to establish paternity is the ‘good of the child’ and the possible damage it may cause him/her. This is related to the stigma a child born to a married Jewish woman outside wedlock carries – that of being a bastard (‘mamzer’) or doubtful bastard (‘safek mamzer’).