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Home / When will a man be able to persuade the family court to stop him paying his wife maintenance because of divorce proceedings at the rabbinical court, based on his allegations of her adultery ?

When will a man be able to persuade the family court to stop him paying his wife maintenance because of divorce proceedings at the rabbinical court, based on his allegations of her adultery ?

By: דיאנה שאלתיאלPublished on: 16 May, 2022

Only after the rabbinical court makes positive findings about her adultery. It is not sufficient for it to oblige her to divorce . It must decide that she must divorce her husband, and reach clear decisions of fact relating to her adultery. The ruling must become final – i.e. no longer appealable. This means that either the time for the wife to appeal against the finding of adultery has already gone by , or if she did appeal against it in time, she actually lost. Then, only when she refuses to obey the final , unappealable ruling to actually divorce will the husband be entitled to be freed of his obligation to support her set by the family court in maintenance proceedings she opened there previously.

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